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<– Dec. Releases | Feb. Releases –>

January 9th, 2024: Daisy Jealousy

Misaki’s dream of becoming a video game designer is sent off the rails when he meets a rival who brings out his very best–and his absolute worst.

Misaki has always loved video games and would do anything to break into the industry. Despite his silly, happy-go-lucky attitude, he’s always putting his head down to be the best game designer around. And Misaki’s certain he is–at least, until he meets Kaname, a stoic genius who tops him in just about every way. With his skills, smarts, and sweet smile, Kaname has Misaki swirling in a pool of envy, admiration, and maybe even love. Will Misaki be able to overcome his jealousy and learn how to love Kaname?

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January 9th, 2024: ROMEO Vol. 1

Kouyou is a Lycan who possesses some of the most potent pheromones among his kind. His pheromones are strong enough to seduce any beastman, any beastman except Jade that is. Though Kouyou tries his best to seduce the man, Jade remains resolute in his decision and refuses to give in to the sweet allure of the charming beast. Just what does Kouyou have to do to make this unyielding beast fall for him?

Swayed by love and hormones, the story of these two extraordinary beasts unfolds in this volume of Romeo.

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January 9th, 2024:  Crossplay Love: Otaku x Punk Vol. 7

When two very different boys know each other as two very different girls, it’s no wonder things get confusing! Mei and Hana’s friendship only grows, meanwhile the antagonism between otaku Yuuma and punk Shuumei has shown no signs of lessening. However, things are about to get jumbled. As friend Kanoko’s persistence turns tiring, Mei approaches Yuuma for help in fending him off! The unexpected event brings Mei and Yuuma together, and secrets get harder to keep.

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January 16th, 2024: Never Let Go, Vol. 1

Rich-kid Haruto is used to being flattered and fawned over by fellow students, so when he’s kicked out of his elite Alpha school, he finds himself as the ultra-desirable Alpha transfer student at a mixed-gender high school. Everyone is quick to try to befriend him — everyone, that is, except student council president Miyabi, who actually seems to despise him. 

Haruto swore he wouldn’t get involved with anyone at his new school, but something about openly hostile, sickly-looking Miyabi keeps drawing Haruto in… 

This book contains sexual content and is intended for an audience aged 18 years and up.

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January 16th, 2024: Love, a Kitten, and a Salty Dog

In this sweet and Mature-rated Boys’ Love tale, a veterinarian and a college guy fall for each other thanks to an adorable stray cat!

Okura is a tough veterinarian who works at Kinako Animal Hospital, right near the entertainment district. One day, a kind and earnest college student named Momo brings in a tiny kitten he found on the streets, and the two men grow closer as Okura helps Momo learn about cat parenthood. It isn’t long until their conversations turn from pet care to their experiences with romance as Okura finds himself wanting to get to know Momo better. Will their relationship grow into something more with a kiss?

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Twilight Out of Focus 4: The Evening Monologues

The Midorigaoka High School Film Club’s ­new­est member Shion Yoshino knows exactly what he wants, and he’s not afraid to work for it. There’s just one catch: it has nothing to do with film. Shion’s looking for the picture-­perfect Prince Charming, and he’ll do whatever it takes to find him, even if that means joining a club full of nerds. He announces his intentions on his very first day in the group, only for the club’s former Vice President, Rei Inaba, to make a stunning declaration: “I can promise you, 100%, you won’t find a boyfriend here.” Not long after, however, it’s Rei himself who kisses Shion and asks him out! What does it all mean? One thing is for certain: Shion Yoshino won’t give up on his dream without a fight!

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January 16th, 2024: Send Them a Farewell Gift for the Lost Time

For four years, Naruse was swept up in his love for his novelist boyfriend, Toui. But tiring of his flightiness and lack of commitment, Naruse finally walks away from his relationship.

Or at least, he tries to. Every time he runs into Toui, they seem to get tangled in one another’s emotions and end up sleeping together. They argue and fight, then afterwards comes the pang of regret. Maybe their relationship is doomed to fail. Or maybe, it just needs a new angle…

This book contains sexual content and is intended for an audience aged 18 years and up.

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January 23rd, 2024: UNDEAD: Finding Love in the Zombie Apocalypse, Volume 2

Which will you find in this devastated world — love or despair?

Nineteen-year-old Hikaru Asahina lost everything the day the world ended. Everything, that is, except his childhood friend Ai Kosaka, who has always taken care of him. Now the two of them, along with other survivors, struggle to stay alive in a post-apocalyptic world filled with man-eating zombies. 

And when Ai confesses to feeling something more for Hikaru, it changes everything. After all, the more precious someone is to you, the harder it is to lose them. In a world like theirs, is something like love even possible? 

NOTE: This book contains graphic violence and graphic sexual content, including sexual assault. It is only intended for audiences aged 18 and up.

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January 23rd, 2024: Lullaby of the Dawn, Volume 2

Elva is a battle shaman whose life is eroded bit by bit every time he drives back monsters that emerge from the black sea. Indignant when he sees this, a young boy named Alto is determined to find a cure and stay by Elva’s side.

After 8 long years, Alto has become a fearless young man, though he hides his love deep inside. And despite only expecting to live for a few more years, Elva seems to be healing as he spends time by Alto’s side.

Awarded first place in the Best Comic category in the 2022 Chill Chill BL Awards. This book contains sexual content and is not intended for anyone under 18 years of age.

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January 30th, 2024: The Red Thread, Vol. 2

“Don’t cry… I’m right here.” After exchanging phone numbers, Pharm and Dean begin spending time together almost every day. Their budding chemistry doesn’t go unnoticed, though―soon, the potential couple is the talk of the campus! But as the pair’s feelings for each other grow, their recurring dreams intensify, now infiltrating their waking lives. Will the threads of fate pull the two close enough to finally remember their promise?

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