Rating: 3 out of 5.

A fantasy romance about a voracious lady who delights in monster meat and a mad-blooded duke who is swept off his feet by her curious charms. If you loved Delicious in Dungeon and Drifting Dragons, you will be salivating for some grilled moodle and burning hot love in this series!

Like any proper noble lady, one must have certain acquired tastes. For Melphiera Marchalrayd, she just happens to crave a rather exotic protein -monsters! But do not judge! Despite its bad reputation, monster meat can be used in exquisite cuisine and Melphiera is determined to change the kingdom’s opinion of it! Unfortunately, since debuting in society, Melphiera has been struggling to find her perfect match…until she meets the fearless “Blood-Mad Duke” of Galbraith!

I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

It’s adorable! Meet a lively female protagonist, often misunderstood as the villainess due to her passion for cooking and savoring monster meat. Paired with a socially awkward male lead skilled in monster-slaying, he provides her with the ingredients she needs for her culinary adventures.

While I acknowledge its good, I’ve given it three stars as it leans towards a more juvenile tone that doesn’t quite resonate with my personal preferences. It seems tailored for a younger audience, making it not quite my cup of tea, but still a worthwhile read. In fact, I believe it would have made a fantastic Christmas gift for my 12-year-old younger sister.

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